Campus Library
The Cardenal Cisneros University Centre Campus Library is conceived as a Learning and Research Resource Centre (Spanish CRAI). Its facilities also host teaching, artistic and cultural activities, as well as exhibitions, concerts and other events.
A space that invites you to study
The Library service offers users:
- CCUC card, which allows access to the Library building and the services it provides.
- Group work rooms, there are 20 rooms of different capacities, accessible to the entire CCUC educational community, by means of a reservation in the Library application of the virtual community.
- Individual study area, with 170 seats, natural light, electrical connection and wifi.
- Online catalogue for consulting the collection, renewing and reserving library books, requesting new acquisitions, etc.
- Newspaper and periodicals library and media library.
- Docimoteca with psycho-technical material and psychological and psycho-pedagogical evaluation material.
- Edelvives corner: section of children’s literature and textbooks continuously updated by the publisher.
- Room for exhibitions, events and other uses.
- Olegario Crespo Serrano
Coordinator - Gema Calero Vega
- Almudena Escudero García
- Cristina Lucas Vergara
91 889 12 54
Exts. 119-120-121
Avda. Jesuitas 34, 28806. Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
Twitter: @BibliotecaCUCC
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 8.30 h.-20.00 h.